This is another post in a series on currently used survey design features that could be "relabeled" as adaptive. I think it is helpful to relabel for a couple of reasons. 1) It demonstrates a kind of feasibility of the approach, and 2) it would help us think more rigorously about these design options (for example, if we think about refusal conversions as a treatment within a sequence of treatments, we may design better experiments to test various ways of conducting conversions). The design feature I'm thinking of today has to do with a card that interviewers leave behind sometimes when no one is home at a face-to-face contact attempt. The card says "Sorry I missed you..." and explains the study and that we will be trying to contact them. Interviewers decide when to leave these cards. In team meetings with interviewers, I heard a lot of different strategies that interviewers use with these cards. For instance, one interviewer said she leaves them every time, ...
Blogging about survey methods, responsive design, and all things survey related.